Research Division

I also get involved in various research projects. Some are games, some are more scholarly, take your pick.

Game Section


This was my second effort at inventing a game to play on the sidelines of a "Nerf War." I wanted to take up multiple kids, have an activity they could reset, have the activity keep score "automatically," and most of all--be fun! The final version uses four players per side. Enjoy the promo video. (I made it for grade-schoolers.)

Scholarly Section


Dynamic Tailoring

Ever use a "product finder" feature in a web-page? For example, over on CNET they have a "laptop finder". You check a series of boxes on how you'll use it, what features you think are important, how much you'd pay, etc. Then the website spits out a list of candidate laptops for further investigation.
What if government specs and standards had the same feature? What if you could pull up the standard, click a few boxes, and the 500-page document suddenly turns into 200 relevant pages?
Check this out: (page 13)

or direct to my article

The biggest project I had published was an overhaul of a mil-standard MIL-STD-1791A. (My name can't be on it officially.) I was effectively the managing editor and a contributing author. Our five-person team won the Defense Standardization Program's Achievement Award and Distinguished Achievement Award (chosen from the Achievement Awards) for 2014.

The DSP's award page.

The Original
Back in the day, I did some historical work too. Ever wonder where Ejection Seats came from?
Now you can find out. Scroll to page 4.