Who is Fried Brainz?

So, just how did you come up with "Fried Brainz"?
Fried Brainz is actually my DJ handle from college.  During a local station's morning show the DJ wanted all song requesters to have a breakfast food name.  Just about the time I would come up with a good one...someone else would take it.  Finally I remembered that my great-grandmother enjoyed fried brains and tomatoes for breakfast.  I used the handle again a couple years later when I went down and volunteered on the morning show.  The DJ at the time was Jeff Z and he wanted to make sure I spelled my handle "properly", thus the spelling.

Photograph of the man called Fried Brainz

What about when you're not writing?
I have plenty of "off season" activities.  Loving my wife, playing with my son, participating at church, working on the house...oh yeah, I have a day job as an engineer. I love camping with my family.  I stay in shape with Judo, which I do with my son.  (If you know Judo, my rank is Nikyu.) 

Where do you live?
I live in a galaxy far, far away.  I emigrated here from Texas.  I even have a picture of it so you can identify it at night.  (Unfortunately, "I'm from Ohio" is literary short-hand for "my back story is irrelevant". Thankfully, the Texas part is true.)


I enjoy music that gets me going in the morning, or any time of day.
Here's a few of my Spotify playlists.


My favorite band.


Title says it all, songs that I think are fun to listen to.


This one is pretty driving. I don't recommend listening to it in the car unless you have cruise control on. :)

Sabre Dance, et.al.

Why do people think Classical music is boring?


Once again, not boring.

Rock 'n Roll

These are mostly songs I remember listening to in the car with my dad. I've added a few more.


I was in college during the 90's Swing Revival. I tried Swing Dancing, I'll stick with just listening. :P


Waltzes are nice and upbeat without being driving.

So how do I relax? Simple, just turn the music off. zzzzzz